或厨师的皮肤是紫色和黑色的,肉是区和白色的。“ Shimizu Horseshoe”是马蹄餐厅的主要调味料之一。也可以提取淀粉。区和莲根和钻石粉称为三淀粉。马蹄
2西北商品交易市场交易中心教学. Lounge is 区和distributed in China, Ryukyu Islands, Japan and Nanyang Island (Luzon Island is the first place to discover) and India.Jiangsu, Taiwan, Hainan, and Guangdong are distributed in China, growing on the flat land.In the early stages of growth, high temperature and long sunlight are needed. If the sprout temperature is 15-20 ° C, the most suitable plant is most suitable for 25-30 ° C. In the later period of growth, shortening time (less than 13 hours) can promote the formation of ball stems.20-25 ° C) is also conducive to the bulbous stems, warm and humid sex, not resistant to frost, soil humus loam soil or PH6-7 sandy loam soil.
2. How to eat water chestnuts
1. Porridge porridge
Prepare 100 grams of rice and rhombus, a moderate amount of rock sugar.First wash the rhombus, cut it into pieces, wash the rice, put the rice in the pot with the diamond corners, or squeeze the rhombus juice.After cooked the porridge, pour it into the pot with sugar, and then boil.
2湖北硒交国际易市场. Angelica buns, barley porridge
Prepare 30 grams of rhombus, 100 grams of barley, 15 grams of angelica.Wash the rhombus and barley rice first, and cut the diamond corners into pieces after peeling.Put the angelica slices in the pot, decorate it with water for half an hour, and then remove the juice.Add barley and rhombus, cook porridge.After cooked porridge, you can eat it with honey.
3. Juner diamond soup
Prepare 100 grams of rhombus and 50 grams.First wash the rhombus and jellyfish, peel the slice, put it in the pot, and boil it into soup.
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