
Cultivation and planting methods of lotus root:景德镇国家陶瓷版权交易中心找谁签约政策好

时间:2010-12-5 17:23:32  作者:打单技巧   来源:后台管理  查看:  评论:0
内容摘要:Cultivation of lotus root 1. Temperature: The lotus root can be germinated above 15 ° C. The tempe

Cultivation of lotus root

1. Temperature: The景德家陶 lotus root can be germinated above 15 ° C. The temperature during the strong growth period requires 20-30 ° C, and the water temperature is 21-25 ° C.The initial temperature of the cricket is also high. In the later period, the temperature difference between day and night is required浩瀚订货商城现货交易系统. The dormant period is required to keep it above 5 ° C or more than 5 ° C.





3. The瓷版 reproduction of the Ziyu: Zimu refers to the side branches of the branches on the main end. The Ziyu has one section, two sections, and four sections of the zigza.But no matter which section, you can cut the breeding alone.

4. The breeding of the head of the coriander: If the head of the ravioli is breed, use a section of the main top of the main coriander to make the seed.

5. Breeding: The reproduction of the cricket festival is cut from 5 to 6 cm from the section.

6, top bud reproduction: The top bud propagation is cut with the buds at the top of the main or child tadpole with the base section, and inserted in the soft soil seedbed for reproduction.

7. Cuttings of lotus whip: The buds on the lotus root stretch out the lotus whip to grow to the branch, and the two lotus whip with top buds is completely dug and transplanted in the field.

The efficacy and role of lotus root

1. Detoxification: Lotus root foods can cool blood and dissipate blood, cooked food can nourish the heart and benefit the kidneys. It can supplement the deficiency of the five internal organs, strong bones, bones, and nourishing yin and nourishing blood.

2. Clear heat and cooling blood: Lotus root is cold and has the effect of clearing heat and cooling blood. It can be used to treat heat -related diseases, and the lotus root is sweet and liquid, which is particularly beneficial for those who are thirsty, blood, hemoptysis, and blood.

3. Disasterproof diarrhea: Lotus root contains mucin and dietary fiber, which can be combined with biliary acid, cholesterol and triglycerides in foods in the human body, so that it is discharged from the feces, thereby reducing lipid absorption.

4. Spleen appetizers: Lotus root scattered a unique fragrance, also contains tannin, has a certain effect of spleen and diarrhea, which can improve appetite, promote digestion, and appetite.Essence

6.血质阶段:Lotus root含有大量的单宁酸,具有收缩血管的权交签约作用,可用于停止流血,易中还可以冷却血液和分散血液。心找中融生态交易中心有限公司



我记得当我七岁的时候,8月15日是Bao中美丽的中期音乐节!坐在院子里,我身后有一个美丽的莲花池。在刚收集的新鲜莲花甘蔗上放置了充满明亮晶体的小星星,散发出香水的香气。这是华中石油化工行情分析Zhu Ziqing的“ Lotus Pond Moonlight”写的吗?




金华州农业科学学院和伊乌市的东牛合作社是从金胡岛的金胡亚·贝利安(Jinhua Bailian)的突变植物中选出的。大约在千江的Chunyu大约77天,在6月中旬到6月中旬收获,小米的出生期约为76天,并且在8月中旬到八月中期收获。

Donghe Zaoyu

武汉蔬菜科学研究所是从上海当地品种系统中选择的。年前成熟,高度130厘米,浅绿色叶子,叶柄稀薄,白花和较少的开花。水平截面为椭圆形,直径为7 cm,7 cm,9月至10月之后,旧煮熟的莲花是2000至2500公斤。


‘Hangzhou White Flowers’


‘Hangzhou White Flowers’

‘Chengjiang 藕’

Local varieties of Chengjiang County, Yuxi City, Yunnan, are mature and late. The local area is planted at the end of March to early April. It is harvested for 210 days.The plant is 108 cm, the leaf diameter is 44 cm, the main coriander is 3 to 4 knots, the cricket section is long, the cylindrical is 03 kg, and the yield per mu is 1500 to 2000 kg.The skin is thick, the skin is small, the top buds are pale, and the quality is better. It is suitable for fried and stewed food.

‘Chengjiang 藕’

‘Suzhou No Flowers’

Also known as Wuhua Early, local varieties of Suzhou, Jiangsu.Early maturity, 3 to 4 verses of the main coriander, thick body thick, round, smooth, jade **, top buds yellow jade color, leaf buds gray jade color, no flowers, shallow water field planting, 800-1200 kg per mu, crispy crispy, quality crispy, quality crispyTender, small residue, should be eaten raw, good quality.

‘Yangyu No. 1’

The Department of Horticulture at Yangzhou University Agricultural College is selected from Yangzhou early white flowers and slow lotus hybrids.Early maturity, 4-5 sections of the main coriander, cylindrical shape, white leather, yellow -green leaf buds, polished pink, shallow water field planting, yield of 1300 to 1500 kg per mu, tender and crispy, raw cooked foods, good quality.

‘Selection No. 1’

The main coriander is 4 to 6 sections, the body is thick and long cylindrical, the epidermal rice is white, the leaf buds are red, the flowers are small, the white, the tip is red, the petiole is red, and the water is planted.The main coriander weighs 20 to 25 kg, the weight of the seeds weighs 05 ~ 10 kg, the whole lotus is 25 to 35 kg, and the yield per mu is 1700 to 1900 kg.Tender and crispy, sweet and sweet, good cooked food, good quality.

中间菜,4-6个主板球,厚的正方形形状,黄色的玉颜色,顶芽黄色玉,叶芽和紫色玉,没有花,Zhongshui田间种植,2000至2500 kg


它表现为中等菜,主要馄饨的5-6个部分,长圆柱形,明显的凹槽,黄色白色,叶白色,叶芽黄色的玉,少花朵,白色,中等 - 水湖池塘,煮熟的介质,大约1500

中间烹饪,主要香菜的5-6个部分,长圆柱形形状,黄色 - 白色皮肤,叶芽的黄色玉色,花粉粉红色,浅水田种植,1100至1400 kg每盎司每盎司,温柔,残留较少,残留物,煮熟

中间烹饪,主要香菜的4-5个部分,长圆柱形状,皮肤 - 白色,叶芽紫色,较少的花朵,粉红色,中间湖泊池塘,每辆μ子1500至2000 kg,原始成熟的食物可以是


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