
作者:居间开户 来源:K先分析 浏览: 【 】 发布时间:2024-09-20 00:12:58 评论数:
1.种植时间 菠萝对环境的景德家陶要求不是很高。通常,镇国最好从5月至10月在高温下在高温下播种,瓷版并避免在雨天播种和繁殖。权交在土壤中迅速发芽。易中易图 2.种子处理 菠萝的心现浩瀚订货商城电子交易平台合法吗种子不应直接播种到土壤中。通常,货交种子需要用水清洁,景德家陶并且需要长时间将种子浸泡在水中。镇国 哈国际平台 4.工厂管理 年。瓷版Third,权交 reuse potassium fertilizer and apply enough base fertilizerPineapple is high -yield, and the amount of potassium requires large amounts. Therefore, applying enough base fertilizer and reusing potassium fertilizer are important measures to seize the high yield of pineapple.The base fertilizer is dominated by plant ash and soil fertilizer. With a small amount of calcium phosphate, each point is applied to 025-05 kg.Practice has proved that applying fertilizer fertilizer is conducive to improving the structure of the soil regiment, enhancing soil permeability and water preservation and fertilizer, and creating a good soil environment that is conducive to the growth of pineapple roots. At the same time, after the seedlings are survivedThe growth of the leaves has prompted the plant to grow strongly and make a high yield early.In addition, basic fertilizer and other base fertilizers can improve the cold resistance of plants.Fourth, timely topdressing and strengthening management1. After the timely fertilization of the seedlings, the fertilizer pursues once every 1-2 months during nutritional growth, and 25 grams of urea is applied for each plant.In July, re-appointed flower fertilizer, 50-100 grams of compound fertilizer per plant.In addition, topdressing 1-2 times (02%-04?aquatic solution) at the root of fruit expansion.The weather recovers the weather after February each year. It is necessary to strengthen the management of fertilization and pursue it in a timely manner to promote the rapid growth of plants.为了保护根部的根,保持土壤湿润,易中易图抑制杂草的心现生长,并降低夏季和秋季的货交冬季土壤温度的柔和,改善。景德家陶1.经过5-6个月的快速栽培,菠萝于3月种植。盛通秦岭现货交易诈骗乙烯用于敦促花。:00 pm在晴天。通常,在敦促花28-30天后,注意以下菲阿油的问题:(1) Plants that urge flowers must have a strong plant with a certain basis of nutrient growth, that is, there must be green leaves with a length of more than 35 cm long.Low yield and loss of product value.(2) Ethylene is a plant growth regulator rather than fertilizer. Therefore, fertilization must be increased before and after the flowers are urged and after flowering, and fertilization must be increased to achieve the purpose of yield.(3) Master the appropriate concentration of the medicinal solution. The concentration is too high, which is a waste of drugs and inhibiting growth.2. During the expansion of fruit-promoting fruit, 02%-04?aquatic solution was used for topdressing to pursue the root, and the fruit was developed to achieve high-yield and high-quality goals.6. Topping and removing budsAfter Xie Hua, you should make a timely top, remove the crown buds and excessive suction buds, and concentrate the growth of small fruits in concentrated nutrients. At the same time, 1-3 strong buds that near the ground should be replaced by the mother plant.Seven, baggage carePineapple is warm and afraid of frost. It should be used to protect the cold in the front and rear of the "cold".Pineapple fruit bags are generally used in vest bags, which is convenient for complement.When bagging, be careful not to break the bag and add a layer of paper or cloth to the bag to facilitate absorption of moisture and moisturizing, while preventing freezing.Practice has proved that the fruit after bagging is large and will not crack the fruit, and the economic value is high; the fruit without baggage protection is small and has low economic value, and the economic value is low.由于水果成熟时的温度低,害虫和害虫较少。种植后一年的耕种管理后,它可以进入次年的盛通秦岭现货交易正规吗3月和4月的收获期。当稍微倾斜时,可以收获。pineapple水果分阶段分阶段收获,他们首先煮熟。切开菠萝的皇冠芽,不要离开肉,撕下底部的传单,然后露出白色部分。请注意不要破坏叶子标记的原始底座,然后将冠状芽水平放在通风的地方。将其干燥两天,直到切口干燥。2.生根处理准备一个玻璃瓶,将水倒入玻璃容器中,然后将皇冠芽放入玻璃容器中,以保持菠萝的底端靠近水,但避免与水面接触以避免皇冠芽腐烂,直到底部部长冠状芽的移植约为1厘米。3.种植方法在锅中加入适当数量的底肥,然后将其倒入预先准备的土壤中,然后将冠状芽移入其中。第四,预防措施请注意浇水时使土壤保持湿润。不要让土壤稍微湿,不要太干。扩展信息:菠萝有自己的特殊生长习惯。大多数菠萝都有类似莲花的叶片簇。叶片簇的基础形成了可以储存水的叶管。这种类型的菠萝的生长和发育所需的水分不存储在叶肉中,而是凹槽(即莲花形叶子管的独特莲花形叶缸),该凹槽存储在中心生长中簇簇的簇的点。除了保持锅土壤潮湿之外,有必要经常浇水以将足够的水储存在叶管中,以使其繁衍生长。这是菠萝的特殊习惯。观看菠萝的大多数特殊习惯都只有一次花在他们的生活中。开花后,母植物死了一段时间。芽是繁殖新植物的好材料。如何种植菠萝:1.领带冠状芽:菠萝可以用皇冠芽种植以拦截成熟的冠芽。2.种植时间:应在春季到秋季种植菠萝。3.选择土地:选择种植的位置,提前组织土壤,转动土壤并完成土壤,并涂上腐烂的有机肥料。4.种植园:去除菠萝芽料底座的枯叶,然后将芽植入土壤中。5.邮政管理:种植后加强肥料和水管理。菠萝(科学名称:Ananascomosus)是热带水果之一。Fujian和Taiwan称为Wangli或Wang Lai(_NG-L_I)。新马被称为黄梨,大陆和香港被称为菠萝。有70多种品种,是林南四个著名的水果之一。
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