If your friend is pursuing you, if your boyfriend proposes to you, then you can send him a lot of peony flowers to express what you mean to him: promise your pursuit.The peony leaves of the lotus bag :清远景德镇国家陶瓷版权交易中心怎么加盟点位高

时间:2024-09-20 06:35:09来源:鞍山东北亚北大仓酒运营中心官网 作者:现货采购

The清远权交 mountains are surrounded by mountains, the scenery is pleasant, and there is a wonderful custom habit: Once the young man and female youth set a relative, the woman must send the man to the man's embroidered lotus bag, which is self -evident.

The jade girl is eighteen, her heart is clever, born and intelligent, and her embroidery weaving skills are exquisite. Especially the various flower patterns embroidered on the purse, they often provoke the bee and butterflies, which shows the depth of kung fu.

It is strange to Mongolian flowers, and even some people do not know what it is. In fact, Mongolianhua has a certain meaning as other flowers, and even has a certain use.

Mongolian flowers, also known as: Menghua, Xiaojinhua, yellow rice flowers, crickets, chicken bone flowers, sheep ear, Menghua trees, rice soup flowers, dyed rice, yellow flower trees, Latin name: Buddleja Officinalis

The raw altitude is 200-2800 meters to the racks or forests of the shrubs or forests by the riverside, riverside, and villages.The adaptability is strong, and the limestone mountains can also grow slightly four -prism -shaped, gray -brown; small branches, leaf, petiole, and inflorescence are densely gray -white star -shaped short fluff, leaf -paired, leaves paper, narrow oval, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long oval, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long oval, long, long, long oval, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long oval.Ovo, ovate lanceolate or long round lanceolate, the outer skin is star -shaped, and the base is diveted at the base; there are many seeds, narrow oval, and wings on both ends.Flower period from March-April, fruiting period from May to August.The whole plant is used for medicinal, and the flowers have the effects of clearing heat and dampness, and clear eyes.The root can clear heat and detoxify.

The legend of the dense and mask

A long time ago, there was a two -feet high honeymo tree in the yard of a household.On this balcony.On one side, rice and dish.One day when the honeymop blooming, she placed the tiles soaked in glutinous rice on the balcony under the tree.At night, there was a strong wind, and the honeymmes and flowers were blown off by the wind, and a honey mask fell in the tile pot.In the early morning of the next day, when the hostess was Taomi, he picked up the flower branches in the pot, but there were still many honeymmes left in the rice.She put the rice in the wooden pupa.After the rice is steamed, there is a special aroma.The hostess opened the wooden cover and looked at it. She was shocked and found that the usual white rice became yellow rice, and the smell was much more fragrant than usual.The family was overjoyed, and after eating, all of them praised.

Since then, this family has steamed glutinous rice with honeymo.

About Macyland's flower language and legend stories


Because of the sweet taste, Mamari was often used to make tea, coffee, and sipped it lightly, and his mouth was full of fragrance.Macarland often makes dishes and eats very much.Macarland is also made into essential oils to soothe fatigue

Maybe you are familiar with the fragrance of Mariolan, but do you know its flower language? Let us now understand what Mamaru's flower language is.

Mago's flower language: happiness, serene, communication

Malaysia is also known as colorful bun vanilla. It is a perennial herb or small shrub with low temperature sensitivity. There are some sweetness of pine trees or citrus.The leaves of Matharland are fragrant. Whether it is fresh or dry leaves, it can be used for consumption.



