

发帖时间:2024-09-20 05:51:55


1. Lychee什么时候成熟?



2. When is the appropriate planting lychee?

1. When will Hainan grow lychee

Hainan Province is warm throughout the year.As long as the water source is sufficient and the watering is convenient, it is basically suitable for planting litchi all year round.However, the continuous sunny, hot, dry, and high temperature weather is not suitable for planting lychee.哈国际交易中心恩施

Northern Hainan occasionally appear extremely low temperature, and it is not suitable for litchi growth during extremely low temperature periods.

2. When is the lychee in southwestern Guangdong

The southwestern part of Guangdong Province mainly refers to the central and southern part of the Leizhou Peninsula, which is similar to the northern part of Hainan.Except for extremely hot and dry weather (usually in June-September), as long as the watering conditions are good, litchi seedlings can be sown in most seasons.

Third, the two, Guanghua Fujian area

Most lychee cultivation areas in Guangdong, Guangxi, and Fujian are planted from from February to May and September to October.The orchards planted between September and October must have good water conservancy conditions, and the site is located in the place where freezing is freezing.

4. When will the southern Yunnan grow litchi?

The climate of the double version of the south of Yunnan, the dry season in winter and spring is long, and the low temperature season is short.From May to October, there are more rainy days, suitable for planting litchi.

5. When does the northern edge of the area grow lychee?

The temperature is high in summer, strong sunshine, and is not suitable for planting lychee.

6. The planting period of lychee container seedlings

The litchi seedlings raised with containers will not damage the seedlings of the seedlings before and after planting, nor will it affect the nutritional soil around the root system.Planting is high.Can be planted.

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