
The pairing shrimp sold in the vegetable farm is freshwater or seawater:迪庆哈商所交易中心谁能签约政策好

2024-09-20 06:10:03 来源:鞍山东北亚北大仓酒运营中心官网 浏览量:588}


Most shrimp sold on the vegetable market are seawater shrimp,迪庆 while South -white shrimp is freshwater shrimp.The varieties of shrimp mainly include Chinese shrimp, spots shrimp, South whitening shrimp, Mogy shrimp, Japanese shrimp, long hair shrimp and so on.At present, only South White Shrimp has achieved freshwater aquaculture, and other varieties cannot be cultivated with freshwater.

1. The pairing shrimp sold in the vegetable farm is freshwater or seawater

1. Most of the shrimp sold in the vegetable market are seawater shrimp, and some southern white shrimp belong to freshwater shrimp.At present, only South White Shrimp has achieved freshwater aquaculture, and other shrimp varieties cannot be cultivated for the time being.Shrimp is generally a wide -salt shrimp, which can adapt to a wide range of salinity.Chinese shrimp can generally survive and grow in seawater with a salted water with a salt of 1 with a salinity of 1, and the salinity of the spots of shrimp is survived below 0.5.







3.对于虾农场,您可以选择适合繁殖的非污染泥滩,盐水 - 瓦尔科利土地和沿海地区。虾的主要对被脊椎动物食用,例如毛茸茸,小甲壳类和双壳软件,有时捕获,有时会捕获浮子。

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