
What should I do if the leaves of Hainan Dragon Blood Dragons are yellow?

2024-09-20 06:19:05 来源:鞍山东北亚北大仓酒运营中心官网 浏览量:1}

Hainan dragon blood leaf yellow may be caused by insufficient light, low temperature, and pests pests. Indoor maintenance can be placed on the southeast window sill to allow it to accept sufficient sunlight. The temperature in winter is too low to move to indoor maintenance, but stay away from heating equipment, but stay away from heating equipment, but stay away from heating equipment, but stay away from heating equipment, but stay away from heating equipment, but stay away from heating equipment, but stay away from heating equipment, but stay away from heating equipment, but stay away from heating equipment, but stay away from heating equipment, but stay away from heating equipment, but stay away from heating equipment, but stay away from heating equipment, but stay away from heating equipment, but stay away from heating equipment, but stay away from heating equipment, but stay away from heating equipment, but stay away from heating equipment, but stay away from heating equipment.It also sprays the drugs in time and spray the back, and the insecticidal effect is better.







海南龙血树需要每2 - 3年更换一次,这可以使根系更好并吸收更多的维护。通常,请注意保持环境通风,修剪过长,茂密的树枝和叶子,这可以减少害虫和虫害的发生。玉山茶交易会

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